
by Vincent v. Walcke-Wulffen (comments: 0)

BioKryo Biobanking Network supports clinical trials

In 2019, Air Liquide created a unique Biobanking Network with Biobanks in Italy, France and Germany under the umbrella of BioKryo to support sample management of clinical trials. The GMP compliant Biobanks store the biological material e.g. in the vapor phase of Liquid Nitrogen or at -80 °C in Freezer. We can store samples up to BSL II, which even include e.g. diagnostic samples from Covid-19 patients in separated storage compartments.

This Service includes all kind of logistic support as well as provision of dry ice, packing or dry shippers.


Please contact us via:  contact@biokryo.com


by Vincent v. Walcke-Wulffen (comments: 0)

Business Continuity Plan due to COVID-19 activated

The Corona virus outbreak is moving quickly and has started having a growing impact in the global economy.

BioKryo is monitoring the evolving situation and is taking every precaution to protect our employees, customers and logistics partners. Our team with our Air Liquide partner Biobanks in France & Milano are totally committed to support our customers with mitigation plans across our offices to ensure the best solutions in the regions affected by COVID-19.

For any specific information please contact your local office.