Consulting + R&D


Which is the adequate storage process for your samples like stem cells, DNA-extraction or tissue? Shall your samples be stored for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes? We would appreciate if we could advise you. You will get utmost safety by using an optimal definition of the process of cryopreservation, shipment and storage for your samples.

You are an operator of a biobank and you would like to create a back-up of your samples? BioKryo is your partner in this issue. You will benefit by the long-term experience and know-how of the Fraunhofer-IBMT while installing new procedures and developing necessary SOPs (Standard Operation Procedures).

R & D

The safety of your samples is top priority for BioKryo. This applies today and for the future: Together with the Fraunhofer-IBMT we work to enhance new procedures for the cryostorage and cryopreservation, revised surveillance tools and automation of data documentation. 

BioKryo is integrated in the Alliance of German Cryobank (GKD), a federation of scientific and commercial cryobanks in Germany and across Europe. Inside this network BioKryo is involved in running topics of cryotechnology research as well as cryo-security standards.