

BioKryo Selected for Funding in First PERMIDES Round of Call

BioKryo is successful is getting funding of the PERMIDES consortium, managed by CI3 cluster.

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Mobile Biobanking in routine and emergency cases

Dr. Vincent von Walcke-Wulffen will give a speech regarding this topic at the SMI Biobanking conference in London. He will speak about the need to build up a back-up of existing cell lines, how to ship these samples and what to do, if an emergency case occurs.

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BioKryo as part of the ESA-Project "DG-Trac"

BioKryo is part of the new European Space Agency (ESA)-Project "DG-Trac" for the tracking and surveillance of shipments at ultra-low temperatures together with technology partners HITEC and Fraunhofer-IBMT amongst others.

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15th Partnership in Clinical Trials

At this year's 15th Partnership in Clinical Trials in Vienna the BioKryo GmbH presents together with the European Biostorage and Biorepository Alliance (EBBA) their service to a professional audience.

The BioKryo GmbH will be presenting their state-of-the-art cryostorage- and transportation services as well as their support capabilities in the field of clinical trials.

  • A concept for the transport of cryogenic materials throughout Europe as a complete service in the form of an EU-network across national borders.
  • The storage of biological samples up to security level 2.
  • The logistics, storage and analysis of complete clinical trials within the EU area.

Prospects of this concept are cordially invited to visit the BioKryo booth 423 from 16 to 17 November 2016 in Vienna.


AABB accredits BioKryo

BioKryo GmbH as a service provider for the storage of cryopreserved samples for subsequent therapeutic and diagnostic applications is proud to announce the certification of their storing service for stem cells according to AABB standard.

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EBBA a Unique, Quality-focused Biobanking Strategic Alliance Founded

BioKryo (Germany), Biostór (Ireland) and Cell& Co (France)  are excited to announce the strategic European Biostorage and Biorepository Alliance (EBBA) to provide biospecimen, transport, logistics & biostorage solutions to the Life Science industry world-wide. The alliance draws upon the combined strengths and experiences of each company. EBBA are proud to be the first global alliance of EU certified biorepository’s.  EBBA’s directors are constantly working behind the scenes to improve the efficiency & cost-effectiveness of sample management; utilising the latest available technologies incl. 2D barcoding & Cloud based sample information management.

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